For researchers
The Videoarchiv collection contains works of video art, experimental film, and other art forms of the moving image made outside the context of cinema. These are mostly works created in the context of fine art, intended for gallery exhibitions but also for presentations in cinemas, online, and in public spaces. The collection contains licenced works as video files in full duration along with the relevant accompanying documentation.
Where can I see videos from the Videoarchiv collection online?
Materials from the Videoarchiv collection are partly available to the public in the database at Here, you will find preview versions of the videos (which might be of limited duration depending on the extent of the licence provided), information about the artists, and other selected information. You can also browse the database entries in simplified form on this website in the overview of works and artists.
Can the complete contents of the collection be seen online?
Only some of the entries can be viewed in the online version of the database. Selected videos are available in full length, but in most cases, only extracts are available (on the basis of licencing). The public portion of the database contains links to all the available entries, but their contents might only be available to researchers. These include acquisition reports, installation documentation, or other variants of the digitised works. In order to acquire complete access to the database, special researcher access must first be arranged.
How do I arrange researcher access?
Database access for researchers is only possible in person at NFA. In this regimen, all films can be played in full and all documentation can be perused in full. Also available are acquisition reports, conservation reports, research materials, and other documentation. Remote online access is only granted to research organisations.
For researcher access to the Videoarchiv subcollection, email us at at least ten working days in advance.